3 Ways To Protect Your Valuable Items When Moving

When it comes to packing up your home and moving, some items have more value than others. These may be items that are really expensive, or that hold high sentimental value. When you are moving valuable items, there are a few things you can do to protect your items. 

Create an Inventory 

When you have high-value items to move, it is smart to create an inventory of the items that you will be moving. Creating an inventory or list of the items will help you see what high-value items you have to move. Write down the name of the item and a short description of what the item is. Take a picture to go with each item on the list. That way, when you get to your destination, you can do a quick inventory to make sure everything made it safely. It can be difficult to remember everything that was shipped that was high value when you have so many other things on your mind, which is why a list like this can come in handy.   

Declare items With Your Insurance Company 

The list that you made can be helpful in another way to. Before you move any high-value items, such as a painting or a piano, you want to make sure that the item is protected by your insurance company. Call your insurance company up, let them know you are moving, and then verify that every item on your list will be covered by your homeowner's insurance during the moving process.  

You may find that you need to update your coverage. For example, your homeowner's insurance may only protect up to $10,000 worth of artwork, but $50,000 of total personal goods. If you discover that you have over $10,000 worth of artwork, you'll want to increase your coverage. 

If for some reason your regular insurance coverage will not protect your items while they are in the possession of the moving company, purchase temporary coverage that would protect them. Your moving company may also offer moving insurance that you can add.  

Have Them Professionally Wrapped 

Finally, you can use your inventory list to let the moving company know what items you need them to take extreme care with when packing. By providing the moving company with a list of important and valuable items, they can make sure that all of these items are wrapped up adequately and that these items are labeled with fragile or valuable stickers so that they are protected throughout the moving process.  

When it comes to moving valuable items, you need to create an inventory so you know what you have. You need to declare these items with your insurance company to make sure they are protected from a financial viewpoint. You need to allow your moving company to professionally wrap and transport these items for you.  

For more information, reach out to a company like Above Average Moving. 
